Characteri ?? sticas BOTANICAL, AND TECHNOLOGY OF ANATOMICAL PARICí ?? (Schizolobium amazonicum Huberr ex Ducke)

  • Leonilde dos Santos Rosa


This paper aims to systematize information on the botanical characteristics of Schizolobium kind amazonicum ex Ducke (paricá), as the habitat; Naturally occurring area; taxonomy, anatomy and major uses of wood; well as study the dendrological features, regeneration, seedling morphology, morphometry of the fruit and seed of this Caesalpiniaceae. To meet the objectives of this study, different methods were adopted commonly employed in scientific work, such as: literature search; methods and techniques employed in the analysis of seeds, seedling morphology and management by coppicing. So the research showed, it can be concluded that: a) there is controversy's point of view with respect to taxonomic species S. amazonicum, since this presents the Schizolobium parahyba similar morphological and phenotypic characteristics; b) this species has a wide natural range in the Amazon region especially in formations like dense forest and open forest; being found in primary and secondary forests and lowland land fume high, predominantly clay soils; c) paricá tree is a large, cylindrical, straight and branched canopy trunk, however, throughout its vegetative growth, presents dendrological differentiated characteristics in terms of skin color, and the emergence of buttresses; d) flowering of paricá happens generally in the period from May to July and fruiting occurs from August to September; e) paricá flowers are very attractive to several insects of the families Apidae and Anthophoridae, the same is not happening with the birds frutívoras regarding the dispersal of fruit; f) the fruit of paricá is a legume and has leathery brownish when ripe, and contains a single seed with length and average width of 2,20cm and 1,28cm, respectively; g) paricá features characteristic of pioneer species behavior, good capacity of natural regeneration and regrowth.


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