Fruit-flies (Diptera: Tephritidae Lonchaeidae) in the region of the Border West of Rio Grande do Sul

  • Fernando Felisberto Silva FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PAMPA


The fruit -flies ( Diptera : Tephritidae Lonchaeidae ) represent a major pest problems in fruit production , but in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the information about these pests are scarce in the literature. The aim of this work was to verify the occurrence of fruit -flies in four districts of West Frontier of Rio Grande do Sul collections fruits were held in rural and urban areas in the municipalities of Itaqui Quaraí , Santana of Deliverance Uruguayana and during the years 2011 and 2012 . The fruits after heavy and quantified , were transferred to trays containing a layer of sand to obtain the pupae . Altogether , 5,384 fruits ( 315.64 kg ) were collected in the four sampled counties . 3,088 copies of fruit flies infesting 4,961 ( 231.79 kg ) in 14 of 19 sampled plant species were obtained . Of these , 2,968 copies were Ceratitis capitata ( Wiedemann ) and Anastrepha fraterculus 98 ( Wiedemann ) . Other flies , such as lonchaeids represented only 22 specimens of the total obtained by bringing the first host record for Neosilba zadolicha ( McAlpine and Steyskal ) in the region . It was found that C. capitata is the predominant species in the border region of Rio Grande do Sul


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Author Biographies

Student of Agronomy
Fernando Felisberto Silva, FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PAMPA

Associate Professor - College of Agronomy

Area of Agricultural Entomology


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