Physicochemical properties of soil and biomass in sugarcane harvesting systems

  • Jose Luiz Rodrigues Torres Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus
  • Marcos Gervasio Pereira Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Matheus de Andrade Cunha Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus
  • Maxwell Elias Martins Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus
  • Dinamar Marcia da Silva Vieira Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus


The different crop management systems used and the intense traffic of machines have caused physical and chemical changes in soils cultivated with sugarcane. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the yield of dry biomass and the changes in physicochemical properties of soils under green and burned sugarcane harvesting in Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The following soil attributes were evaluated: dry biomass, aggregate stability, resistance to penetration measured by impact penetrometer, density, moisture, and chemical properties. The yield of dry biomass in the area of green sugarcane was seventeen times higher compared with the yield from the area of burned cane. The aggregates formed in the areas of green and burned sugarcane are quite stable in water and were mostly retained on 2.00 and 1.00 mm sieves. The highest level of aggregation occurred up to the depth of 0.05 m in all treatments. The soil presents a compacted layer, which was caused by the intense traffic of transshipment machines, between the depths of 0.20 and 0.30 m in the areas of green and burned cane. Values of penetration resistance and bulk density increased significantly and simultaneously up to the depth of 0.30 m. Significant lower values of pH and phosphorus in depth were found in the area where green sugarcane was harvested.

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0.05) q n 9 P a 2 × 3 factorial. Dunnet’s test (p ≤ 0.05) was also applied. Negative effects of pre-harvest desiccation with glyphosate on germination of soybean seeds can be overcome by the application of micronutrients Co+Mo. Applying biostimulant to soybean seeds improves seedling development compared with micronutrient treatments, although it does not minimize detrimental effects of desiccation with glyphosate


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Author Biographies

Jose Luiz Rodrigues Torres, Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus
Professor, Federal Institute of Triangulo Mineiro (IFTM) campus Uberaba, Post-doctoral student in the Post-Graduate in Agronomy - Soil Science (CPGA-CS) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Dep º Soil , 465 BR km7, Seropédica (RJ). Email:
Marcos Gervasio Pereira, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
Professor in Soil Science, Department of Soil Science UFRRJ, Scholarship Productivity in 1D Research CNPq. Email:
Matheus de Andrade Cunha, Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus
Majoring in Agricultural Engineering at IFTM Uberaba campus, Scientific Initiation scholarship by FAPEMIG, e-mail:
Maxwell Elias Martins, Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus
Majoring in Agricultural Engineering at IFTM Uberaba campus, Scientific Initiation scholarship by FAPEMIG, e-mail:
Dinamar Marcia da Silva Vieira, Federal Institute of Uberaba Minas Triangle Campus
Student in Environmental Technology Management at IFTM Uberaba campus, Scientific Initiation scholarship PIBIC / CNPq, e-mail:


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