Spatial variability of physical attributes in Alfissol under agroforestry, Humaitá region, Amozonas state, Brazil

  • Milton Cesar Costa Campos
  • Marcelo Dayron Rodrigues Soares
  • Ivanildo Amorim Oliveira
  • Luis Antonio Coutrim Santos
  • Renato Eleoterio Aquino Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Via Prof access. Paul Donato Castelane, s / n, 14884-900, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil.


In this research, we aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of soil properties in Alfissol under agroforestry in the Humaitá region, Amazonas state, Brazil. Mapping of an agroforestry growing area was performed in 70 × 70 m sampling grid design. In the mapped area, soil samples were collected at regular 10 m spacing at 0.0-0.1 m depth layer, totaling 64 sampling sites. The following physical analyses were carried out: texture, soil bulk and particle density, macro and microporosity, total porosity and stability of aggregates in water. Descriptive and geostatistical analyses were conducted. After these steps, it was possible to observe that all physical attributes were spatially dependent and that most ranges were greater than those initially established in the sampling grid, except for variables related to aggregates, which must have denser sampling grid. Empirical semivariograms followed the adjustment trends for attributes in the field of Soil Science: exponential model for sand, particle density and microporosity; spherical model for the other physical variables.


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