Productivity and quality characteristics of tomato subjected to grafting

  • Tiago Pedó FAEM/UFPel
  • Tiago Zanatta Aumonde FAEM/UFPel
  • Leandro da Conceição Oliveira FAEM/UFPel
  • Leonardo Nora FAEM/UFPel
  • Carlos Rogério Mauch FAEM/UFPel


The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity, classification and postharvest quality of fruits of tomato plants (cv. Gaucho), and graft these plants with plants of tomato hybrid (cv. Kaguemusha), by the method of terminal stake. Plants were grown in a greenhouse in the city of Pelotas, using randomized complete block design with 20 replications. Grafted tomato plants resulted fruits with highest average mass (g) and total phenols, compared to non-grafted.


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Author Biographies

Tiago Pedó, FAEM/UFPel
Eng Agron., M.Agr., PhD in S & T Seeds, CAPES Scholarship. Federal University of Pelotas
Tiago Zanatta Aumonde, FAEM/UFPel
Eng Agron., M.Sc., PhD in S & T Seeds, CAPES Scholarship, UFPel.
Leandro da Conceição Oliveira, FAEM/UFPel
Quim. Alim., MSc., PhD in S & T Agroindustrial, CAPES Scholarship, UFPel.
Leonardo Nora, FAEM/UFPel
Eng Agron., PhD, Associate Professor, DCTA, UFPel.
Carlos Rogério Mauch, FAEM/UFPel
Eng Agron., Dr., Associate Professor, DFT / PPGSPAF, UFPel.
Scientific Note