Estimation of genetic parameters of milk production and age at first calving cows Pardo-Swiss via Bayesian inference

  • Carolina Carvalho Brcko
  • Cláudio Vieira de Araújo
  • Simone Inoe Araújo
  • Francisco Palma Renno
  • Cintia Righetti Marcondes


Abstract: We estimated the heritability and genetic correlation for milk production in first lactation (PL) and age at first calving (AFC) of animals of Brown Swiss breed. Records of 2,981 parities, calving between 1980 and 2002 In the estimation of the components of (co) variance were used Bayesian inference was used by the Gibbs sampler, with chain size of 1,500,000 rounds and burning period of 500,000 rounds. The sampling frequency was 500 rounds. Estimated for milk yield and age at first calving means were equal to 5347.47 ± 1849.13 kg and 29.65 ± 4.51 months, respectively. The heritability estimates for milk yield and age at first calving were equal to 0.23 and 0.18, respectively. The genetic correlation between them was equal to -0.31. Heritability estimates for the traits evaluated satisfactory performance indicate that genetic gains can be made in breeding for these characteristics and that simultaneous selection for both traits can be performed.


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