Seed dormancy and effect of temperature on germination of B. forficata

  • Elenize Silva Costa
  • Antônio Lucrécio dos Santos Neto
  • Renato Nunes Costa
  • José Vieira Silva
  • Ademária Aparecida de Souza
  • Valdevan Rosendo Santos


The mororó ( Bauhinia forficata Link ) is a species of the Caatinga forest that can be used in reforestation programs . However , initial studies on the germination of seeds needed , which may present impediments or require optimal germination temperature ranges to maximize the process of germinação.Por because of the importance of this species and the scarcity of studies of germination for reforestation have successfully are this research was carried out with the aim of studying the efficiency of pre -germination treatments and the influence of temperature on seed germination mororó . Two experiments were conducted at the Federal University of Alagoas , Campus Arapiraca , completely randomized , with the experiment 1 with four replications of 25 seeds and experiment 2 with five replicates of 25 seeds . In the first experiment, the seeds were germinated following pre - treatments : immersion in water at 80 ° C for 2:05 min; chemical scarification for 5 , 10 and 15 min; mechanical scarification , soaking in distilled water , and the witness, analyzing variables : percentage of germination ( GER ) , germination speed index (GSI ) , mean germination time (MGT ) , emergency ( HRMS) , emergence rate index (EVI ) and mean emergence time ( TME ) . The second experiment evaluated the effect of different temperatures ( 15 , 20 , 25 , 30 , 35 , and 40 ° C ) in variables related to germination ( GER , IVG and TMG ) . The seeds were immersed in sulfuric acid for 5, 10 and 15 min and the temperature between 24.3 and 26.7 ° C provide efficient germination of seeds mororó .


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Author Biographies

Elenize Silva Costa
Degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Alagoas and master's degree in Agricultural Production by the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Academic Unit of Garanhuns
Antônio Lucrécio dos Santos Neto

Agronomist at the Federal University of Sergipe, Master in Crop Science / Seed the Federal University of Ceará and PhD in Crop Science / Seed the Federal University of Lavras. I am currently Associate Professor of Agronomy Course Campus Arapiraca, Federal University of Alagoas, responsible for teaching subjects related to agricultural crops and seed technology.

Renato Nunes Costa
Undergraduate Student in Agronomy from the Federal University of Alagoas, Campus Arapiraca
José Vieira Silva

Degree in Agronomy (1994) by Federal University of Ceará, with a Masters (1998) and Ph.D. (2003) in Agronomy / Crop Science from the same university. He is currently Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas (Campus Arapiraca) and Courses Postgraduate (Masters level) in Agronomy, Agriculture and Environment Program (Campus Arapiraca) and Crop Production Programme (ECSC-UFAL). Has experience in Agronomy with emphasis on the study of the ecophysiology of crops and native plants subjected to environments under adverse conditions. Works as a researcher in the area of vegetable production and ecophysiology of stress (water and salt), aiming at the selection of genetic with increased tolerance to drought and salinity materials. Researcher at the Reference Center for Recovery of degraded areas (CRAD) of the Lower São Francisco, the Federal University of Alagoas.

Ademária Aparecida de Souza
Graduated in Mathematics at the University Center of Lavras (2002), specialization in Mathematics and Statistics at the Federal University of Lavras (2005), MA in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation at the Federal University of Lavras (2007) and Ph.D. in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation University Federal Lavras (2010). He is currently Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas. Has experience in the area of Probability and Statistics, with emphasis on Applied Probability and Statistics.
Valdevan Rosendo Santos
Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Alagoas (2002) and master's degree in Agronomy (Crops), Federal University of Alagoas (2006). He is currently Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas. Has experience in Agronomy with emphasis on Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
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