Market power and the development of new cultivars of transgenic and conventional soybean: analysis of the Brazilian experience

  • Nilson Luiz Costa
  • Antônio Cordeiro de Santana


In recent years , investments in research , development and innovation revolutionized soybean production in Brazil . In biotech , we highlight the development of new cultivars with characteristics adapted to different environmental conditions and , in many cases , transgenic resistant to the herbicide glyphosate . However, if provided to a limited number of companies , which owns the industrial property right on these innovations , market dominance . In this context , the aim of this study was to analyze the existing monopoly power in the development of soybean , transgenic and conventional segment in Brazil . To do so , we calculated the market share and the Herfindahl - Hirschman Index of innovations in biotechnology from property rights to cultivate , consolidated in the database of the National Register of Cultivars . The analysis showed that the concentration is low , with a trend of increased competition , for the segment of conventional seeds . In contrast , the transgenic seeds segment , the concentration levels are high and the tendency is to stay that way , because the entry of new firms in this market requires high technological development and availability of capital . At this juncture , sheltered by barriers to entry , concentration allows dominant firms to increase the price of the seed or the collection of royalties, unilaterally and in proportion as they see fit , which may , in the medium and long term , result in financial loss for soybean farmers .


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Author Biographies

Nilson Luiz Costa
Economist, International Trade Specialist, M.Sc. in Development Planning, Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences and professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria.
Antônio Cordeiro de Santana
Agronomist, D.Sc. in Rural Economy. Associate Professor of UFRA
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