Propriedades físicas e de flexão estática do bambu em diferentes idades e posições no sentido longitudinal

Keywords: bamboo, technological characteristics, mechanical strength


The consumption of products that have sustainable characteristics has been gaining ground in the market, so it is extremely important to study and understand their characteristics, so that their correct applicability is possible. The present work aimed to evaluate the physical and static bending properties of bamboo. For the execution of the experiment, three individuals of one, two and three years of age were selected, being sectioned in the portions of the base, middle and top. From these, specimens were removed for the aforementioned evaluations, depending on age, different positions in the base-top direction and in two humidity conditions, namely, air-dried at 15% humidity and saturated. According to the results obtained, the moisture content showed a decreasing trend with increasing age and from the bottom to the top. On the other hand, the basic density and the saturated apparent density, at the ages of two and three years, had a tendency to increase in the longitudinal direction. The swelling and contraction in the radial direction, in general, were superior to the tangential one. In the static bending test, the air-dried moisture condition presented the highest averages for MOE (Modulus of Elasticity), MOR (Modulus of Rupture) and TLP (Tension at Poportional Limit) in relation to saturated conditions, in all positions and ages . With this, it is concluded that, from the properties studied, bamboo has a high resistance, especially when used in air dry conditions and mature age.


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