Boron in the phytotechnical, reproductive, and seed production components of hybrid Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha x Brachiaria ruziziensis) BRS RB331 Ipyporã

Keywords: Brachiaria, micronutrient, seed yield


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of boron at different doses and times of application on BRS RB331 Ipyporã. Two outdoor pot tests were conducted at the 2016/17 crop. In both tests, the treatments were represented by four doses of boron and control and two times of application in a randomized block design in a factorial scheme with three replications, and each plot represented by a pot with one plant. The substrate was composed of sand:soil (3:1). Fertilization was performed according to the need, considering the treatments. Substrate samples were analyzed. This experiment evaluated the number of vegetative tillers and plant height in two different times, chlorophyll and leaf analysis before the beginning of floral differentiation; flowering onset, number of reproductive tillers, and number of fully expanded inflorescences; quantification, viability, and pollen germination in full flowering. Seeds were evaluated for percentage of number and weight of full and empty seeds, germination, germination speed index, first germination count, and viability. Fresh and dry biomass and dry mass of the aerial part and roots were evaluated at the end of the experiment. The variables were analyzed using Assistat 7.7 software. Boron, applied at different doses and dates, did not affect the production (yield and quality) of BRS RB331 Ipyporã seeds. The phytotechnical components of the BRS RB331 Ipyporã hybrid were not influenced by the addition of boron. Boron had a positive effect on root production of the hybrid BRS RB331 Ipyporã.


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