Germination of Bixa orellana L. under nursery conditions

Keywords: mechanical scarifying, dormancy break, substract, urucum


The species Bixa orellana L. is native to the Amazon and is in high demand due to the pharmacological properties of its fruits. However, research on germination and seedling production is incipient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the germination percentage with and without mechanical scarification of Bixa orellana L. seeds associated with commercial substrate or sand. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, in a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with four treatments and four replications each. The germination rate and number of normal seedlings per treatment were determined. In addition to these parameters, the germination speed index, root and shoot length, and fresh and dry biomass of the seedlings were evaluated. The germination rate and normal and abnormal seedlings were expressed in percentage. In relation to the other parameters, the data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the Scott-Knott test (p<0.01), with application of the Pearson correlation matrix (p<0.01) to the parameters. The germination rate showed higher values in sand (83%) and in commercial substrate (82%), and higher germination speed index when the seeds were scarified. The germination percentage was higher when sand was used and when the seeds were scarified. Thus, under nursery conditions, scarification was favorable to seed germination in both substrates.


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