Seroprevalence for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies on property on the island of Marajó, Pará, Brazil

  • Katarine de Souza Rocha Instituto de Medicina Veterinária- Universidade Federal do Pará (Campus Castanhal)
  • Gisele Souza da Paz Departamento de Higiene Veterinária e Saúde Pública, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Botucatu, SP, Brasil.
  • Andrey do Nascimento Guerreiro Coordenador de Vigilância Sanitária, São João de Pirabas, PA, Brasil
  • Thamillys Rayssa Marques Monteiro Laboratório de Biologia Molecular, Instituto de Saúde e Produção Animal – ISPA, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA), Belém, PA, Brasil
  • José Ribamar Felipe Marques Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA, Brasil.
  • Carla Cristina Guimarães de Moraes Laboratório de Zoonoses e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Castanhal, PA, Brasil.
Keywords: Equus caballus, Toxoplasma gondii, MAT


Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a mandatory intracellular parasite that has as its intermediate hosts several animal species, among them, equines. This work aimed to investigate the presence of anti-T. gondii antibodies in the serum of horses of the Marajoara and Puruca breeds from a property on the island of Marajó. The samples were submitted to the Modified Agglutination (MAT), in which the sera were diluted in the proportion of 1:25 to 1:800. Of the 45 horses evaluated, 13.3% (06/45) were serum reagents with titers ranging from 25 to 200. Regarding the epidemiological survey, it was observed that there was no statistical difference between the variables (race, sex, age, feeding and cohabitation with other animal species). It is concluded that in the environment there is the presence of the pathogen and causing infection, therefore it is suggested that there be more studies to elucidate the epidemiology of the parasite in the region.


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