Rootstocks and grafting of Brazil nuts by the patch budding

Keywords: grafted plants, Bertholletia excelsa, vegetative propagation


A large part of Brazil nut production comes from extraction in native areas. Thus, the successful exploitation in cultivation systems is highly dependent on vegetative propagation techniques, to maintain the genetic traits and shorten the juvenile period of selected genotypes. This study aimed to determine the optimal age of Brazil nut rootstocks to perform grafting by patch budding method, as well as to verify the percentage of graft survival and the initial growth of different clones in Roraima. For this purpose, two experiments were installed in a randomized block design, with four replications. The treatments were arranged in a split-time scheme in time, such as the genotypes considered the plots and the evaluation times the subplots. It were evaluated rootstock growth traits, percentage of alive grafts and sprouts growth traits. The rootstocks reached the recommended size for grafting between 26 and 34 months after planting, indicating slower growth when compared to other locations. At 120 days after grafting, it were obtained percentages of graft survival ranging from 25% to 100%, depending on the graft genotype. The overall average percentage of survival was over 70%. The initial growth (height, diameter and number of lateral shoots) of shoots observed for some genotypes is indicative of their adaptation to the cultivation conditions considered. As the Brazil nut tree is a perennial species, both the growth in older ages, as well as the future productivity and longevity of the plants must be monitored.


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