Potencial energético do resíduo do despolpamento do açaí sob diferentes condições de estocagem

Keywords: Moisture content, basic density, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ashes


The investigation of the biomass quality in the fresh condition and after storing environmental conditions is necessary to support its usage for energy generation. In Amazonia, the waste produced from açaí depulping stands out because of its wide availability. This work aimed to evaluate if the different methods and sites of storage modify the physical, chemical, and energetic properties of the açaí waste and its potential for energetic purposes. The residues were collected at Macapá, Amapá state, in six different conditions: a fresh sample, obtained right after depulping, and five samples stored under different environmental conditions. After depulping, the açaí waste showed a moisture content of 103.8%, but the storage resulted in natural drying, reducing this property to up to 12.3%. Compared with the fresh waste (0.719 g cm-3), the basic density of the wasteland-dispersed biomass decreased significantly (0.279 g cm-3), which reduces the yield of combustion and pyrolysis. When the wastes were stocked, volatile materials raised from 65.29% to 75.62%, fixed carbon decreased from 34.70% to 23.09%, and ashes content reduced from 1.81% to up to 1.24%. Such modifications suggested the partial decomposition of chemical components that became volatile or leachable. Consequently, the storage decreased the higher heating value and the energy density of the wastes.  It was concluded that açaí waste storage by any condition, except for moisture content decreased, harmed its energetic potential.


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