Fruits and seeds characteristics and germinative potential of cubiu genotypes (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal)

Keywords: Solanaceae, fruit biometry, pre-germination treatment, potassium nitrate


Cubiu is a species that arouses great interest due to its characteristics, such as rusticity, productivity, use diversity and nutritional properties. Knowledge pertaining to this species’ phenotypic variations, as well as seed germination, will contribute to accomplish its full potential. This work aimed to assess fruits and seeds characteristics, and potassium nitrate (KNO3) pretreatment effects on seeds’ germination and vigor of nine genotypes cubiu. In the experiments, completely randomized design was adopted, being: for characteristics of fruits and seeds, with nine treatments (genotypes) and ten repetitions; germination, in factorial scheme 9 (genotypes) x 2 (pre-treatments - with and without KNO3), with four replications; and emergency, nine treatments (genotypes) and four repetitions. Related to the characteristics of the fruits and seeds, were measured: length, diameter, mass, volume, density, number of locules, pulp thickness, total soluble solids, seed mass and number of seeds per fruit. In germination and emergence tests, were evaluated: root emission, normal seedling, emergence, root-emission/seedling/emergence speed index, and root-emission/seedling/emergence mean time. The cubiu genotypes showed different behaviors regarding the characteristics of the fruits and seeds, the most significant ones related to the dimensions, mass and volume of the fruit, and the weight of thousand seeds. The genotypes had little variation in relation to the germination and vigor of the seeds, and the use of KNO3 (0.2%), in the initial moistening of the substrate, favored the greater expression of the germinative potential (91-100%) and vigor of the seeds, under laboratory conditions.


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