Cutting times in the forage productivity and quality of the Chamaecrista rotundifolia

Keywords: growth stage, forage, legume, morphology, protein


Chamaecrista rotundifolia is a potential legume for use in Amazon region, mainly for livestock, although still is little studied. According to characteristics of tropical plant, the cutting time and consequent maturity advance can affect quality as an animal food. The aim of this study was to verify the protein content and productivity of C. rotundifolia harvested in three different growth stages. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with seven replications comprising three treatments of growth stages corresponding to the begining of flowering, pod production and seed dispersal which were cronologically equivalent to 48, 91 and 133 days after seedlings planting. Produtivity and nutritional value of forage from this legume is affected by growth stages C. rotundifolia harvested at 133 days after seedlings planting is indicated by its productive and qualitative characteristics as forage.


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