Detection of antibody anti-Brucella sp. and anti-Leptospira spp. in buffalos (Bubalus bubalis) slaughtered in a slaughterhouse in the city of Belém, Pará

Keywords: Infections, Bubalina, Slaughter, Cold-storage room


The present study aimed to detect the presence of buffalos serum reagents for Brucella sp. and Leptospira spp. Serum samples from 113 animals from Marajó Island, slaughtered at a slaughterhouse in the city of Belém, Pará, were used, which were submitted to the Rapid Agglutination Test with buffered, acidified plate antigen (BAPA) and 2-Mercaptoethanol ( 2-ME) for the detection of antibodies against Brucella sp. and the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) for the detection of agglutinins against Leptospira spp. From the 113 samples analyzed, 13.3% (15/113) were reagents for Brucella sp. antibodies in AAT and 6.1% (7/113) were confirmed in the 2-ME test. For Leptospira spp., 35.4% (40/113) of the buffalos were reactive with serovar Hardjo C.T.G., present in 75% (30/40) of the reactions. It was concluded that antibodies against the investigated agents were detected, demonstrating the need to make a more efficient sanitary control in the herd.


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Author Biographies

Katarine de Souza Rocha, Universidade Federal do Pará

Universidade Federal do Pará. Instituto de Medicina Veterinária. Castanhal. BR 316, km 62, S / N, Bairro  Saudade,68740-970, Castanhal, PA, Brasil.

Michele de Souza Lima, Universidade Federal do Pará

Universidade Federal do Pará. Instituto de Medicina Veterinária. Castanhal. BR 316, km 62, S / N, Bairro Saudade,68740-970, Castanhal, PA, Brasil.

Giselle Souza da Paz, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho". Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Higiene Veterinária e Saúde Pública. Distrito de Rubião Júnior, S / N, 18618-970, Botucatu, SP, Brasil.

Hélio Langoni, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho". Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Higiene Veterinária e Saúde Pública. Distrito de Rubião Júnior, S / N, 18618-970, Botucatu, SP, Brasil.

Carla Cristina Guimarães de Moraes, Universidade Federal do Pará

Universidade Federal do Pará. Instituto de Medicina Veterinária. Castanhal. BR 316, km 62, S / N, Bairro Saudade,68740-970, Castanhal, PA, Brasil.


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