Reproduction and survival of Eisenia andrei under different agroindustrial residues

Keywords: Vermicomposting, Earthworms, Açaí, Sawdust, Babaçu


Agroindustrial activities in Southeastern Pará produce many organic residues that can be recycled economically through composting processes. This study aimed to evaluate the reproduction rate, survival and density of Eisenia Andrei in different agroindustrial wastes. Pre-composting organic waste piles were implanted with ovine manure and waste from fruit pulps, being the variation source triturated açaí seed (Treatment 1); sawdust (Treatment 2); and babaçu coconut (Treatment 3). After 50 days of pre-composting, vermicomposting reactors with three populational levels of Eisenia Andrei for the three treatments were built, being evaluated the temperature, reproduction and survival indices of earthworms in the reactors for 35 days. Results showed that the temperature remained within the acceptable range (lower than 35 ºC) during the experiment. For the reproduction, it was verified that the sawdust composting propitiated favorable conditions for increased earthworm density, while for the presence of cocoons only the initial quantities of earthworms showed positive effects; for both variables the time was significant. No treatments had earthwarms that escaped or died due to the waste composition, thus establishing the use of such residues as a viable alternative for vermiculture.


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