Agronomic performance of maize as a function of inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense and nitrogen fertilization

Keywords: Biological nitrogen fixation, Planting furrow, Seed treatment, Zea mays


Maize is one of the crops that consumes the most nitrogen fertilization in the mineral form, being depredated by soybeans because there is no efficient and greener way to provide the nutrient. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of corn as a function of the application of Azospirillum brasiliense and nitrogen fertilizer doses. The experiment was carried out in a typical clayey Latosol, in a randomized block design with eight replications using the 2×5+2 factorial scheme, two forms of application of the inoculant (one in sowing groove and the other in seed treatment), five (0.0, 17.5, 35, 52.5 and 70 kg ha-1) using as urea source and two additional treatments (without the use of A. brasiliense with doses of 0.0 and 70 kg ha-1 of nitrogen in coverage, respectively). During flowering it was evaluated: duration of the vegetative cycle, chlorophyll content, plant dry matter, plant height and nitrogen content. During the maturation period it was evaluated: production components, productivity and cost benefit ratio. The use of A. brasiliense provides different responses to maize crop, depending on the way of use and dose of N. This practice does not completely replace the use of nitrogen fertilizer in cover, however, the application of A. brasilense in the sowing furrow shows higher productivity and better cost benefit relation when compared to inoculation in the seeds.


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