Population density of pentatomids influenced by the morphological structure of different plants in Cruz Alta, RS

  • Eduardo Engel Universidade de Cruz Alta
  • Mauricio Paulo Batistella Pasini University of Cruz Alta
  • Daniele Caroline Hörz University of Cruz Alta
Keywords: Integrated pest management, Insects, Stink bug, Cultivation


The understanding of relationships between insects and host plants at their trophic levels is one of the greatest challenges to the ecological field. The objective of this study was to identify the influence of host plant species and clump diameters on the population density of phytophagous pentatomids. The study was carried out during the soybean and maize off-season in 2014, 2015 and 2016 at the Experimental Area of the University of Cruz Alta, Cruz Alta, RS. Host plants with different clump diameters of the species Chloris distichophylla (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm), Andropogon bicornis, and Erianthus angustofolium (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm) were evaluated. For each diameter of each plant species 10 experimental units were sampled per year, totaling 150 experimental units of each plant species at the end of three years. The diameter of host plant has direct influence on the phytophagous pentatomids. No significant differences were found among the host plants at the end of the three years of evaluations for the population of phytophagous Pentatomids.


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