Minimum tillage is the recommended system for Brachiaria brizantha introduction in Oxisol in the Amazon

  • Marcos Rodrigues Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Departamento de Ciência do Solo
  • Flávio Henrique Silveira Rabêlo Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"/Pós-graduando
  • Heber Augusto de Castro Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso, Departamento de Agronomia
  • Delmonte Roboredo Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso, Departamento de Agronomia
  • Marco Antonio Camillo de Carvalho Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso
  • Cassiano Garcia Roque Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Keywords: Brachiaria brizantha, Compaction, Soil density, Impact penetrometer, Soil moisture


Soils with low levels of organic matter and high compaction limit agricultural productivity and may compromise the sustainability of ecosystems (e.g., Amazonian). Only few studies show the effect of land use and soil management systems in the Amazon region, which hinders the understanding of this effect on this ecosystem. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the effect of land use and soil management systems on physical attributes and on the carbon stock of an Oxisol in the Amazon. Evaluations were performed at 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm of soil subjected to the use and management systems: minimum tillage, conventional tillage, native pasture and native forest. The highest densities were observed in the soil area of Brachiaria brizantha implanted after conventional tillage and native pasture area. The highest levels of total organic carbon and the largest stocks of carbon in the soil were found in forest area, and B. brizantha was established after minimum tillage, at 0-10 cm depth. Therefore, the minimum tillage is the most indicated land use and soil management system to introduce B. brizantha in the Amazon.  


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Author Biography

Flávio Henrique Silveira Rabêlo, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"/Pós-graduando
Departamento de Ciência do Solo - Atua em temas relacionados à avaliação de alimentos para animais, produção e conservação de forragens e nutrição e adubação de plantas forrageiras, com ênfase em adubação sulfatada e estresse oxidativo.


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