IMPLICATION OF STAIN LEAF (incurvata Bipolaris) IN THREE Hi ?? hybrids OF COCONUT (Cocos nucifera L.) IN FIELD CONDITIONS

  • Benedita Elenize Gemaque Savonitti Gomes
  • Vicente Savonitti Miranda
  • Luiz Sebastião Savonitti Poltronieri
  • Michelle Martins do Nascimento
  • Paulo Roberto Silva Farias


More than 14,000 coconut trees established in the field died in the period 2000-2002, due to the disease called leaf spot of coconut caused by Bipolaris incurvata. The most effective control of plant diseases is the use of genetically resistant material. This work was conducted in the planting of Finance Sococo Company, in the municipality of Moju, PA, to evaluate the incidence in plantations established for 1.5 years, three hybrids of coconut (PB 121, PB 123 and PB 132) that comprise commercial planting. The number of lesions in six leaflets, three on each side in the central part of the sheets 1, 3 and 5, basipetal direction was evaluated. There was a lower number of lesions in the hybrid PB 121, PB 123 and while PB 132 hybrids behaved as more susceptible to leaf spot caused by B. incurvata under conditions of permanent planting.


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