Cultural aspects and potential use of cupuassu in the Itacoatiara county, Amazonas State

  • Maricleide Maia Said Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Luiz Antonio de Oliveira Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
  • Alexandre Almir Ferreira Rivas Universidade Federal do Amazonas



 Cultivating cupuassu is one of the most outstanding agricultural activities in the Amazon region due to the broad commercialization of its pulp both processed and “in natura”. Cupuassu plays also a significant role in sustainable agroforestry systems and this enlarges its social and economical importance in the region. However, only the fruit pulp is used for economical purposes; the seed and the peel have found no significant commercial use till today. The objective of this work was to evaluate agronomical aspects of cupuassu plantings in 20 farms of the Itacoatiara municipality, a geopolitical unit of the Amazonas state. At the same time, the farmers knowledge concerning the uses and the economical possibilities of the seed and the peel was also evaluated. These data were garnered by means of a questionnaire the farmers were asked to reply. Fruit productivity of the 2009-2010 crop year in the evaluated farms was verified to be very low, this result being due essentially to the lack of soil fertilization and pests and diseases control practices. Witches broom disease was found in all the 20 farms; cupuassu fruit borer in 65%, and mistletoes in 20% of them. All the farmers sell both the seeds and pulp to cooperatives or intermediators (a negotiator acting as a link between parties) but most of them are not aware that the seed can be used for the production of butter and oil cake as well as where and how these products can be used.


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Author Biographies

Maricleide Maia Said, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Ex-gestora administrativa da Rede CTPetro Amazônia (INPA) e atual doutoranda em Biotecnologia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas.
Luiz Antonio de Oliveira, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

Pesquisador titular da Coordenação de Tecnologia e Inovação - COTI

INPA - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

Av. André Araújo, 2936 - Petrópolis - CEP 69067-375 - Manaus - Amazonas

Alexandre Almir Ferreira Rivas, Universidade Federal do Amazonas
 Professor titular do Departamento de Economia e Análise da Universidade Federal do Amazonas


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