Agricultural economic viability of crop rotation and soil management in areas irrigated by sprinkler

  • Adriano Stephan Nascente Embrapa Rice and Beans
  • Pedro Marques Silveira Embrapa Rice and Beans
  • Alcido Elenor Wander Embrapa Rice and Beans


No-tillage (NT ) , crop rotation is an essential requirement . However , there are still questions about the economic viability of the system , especially in irrigated agricultural areas . The objective of this study was to determine the effect of crop rotations and soil management on grain yield of maize and common bean and economic efficiency of the system . The experimental design was a randomized block design in split plots with six replications . Treatments included three systems of land management (plots ) : P1 = tillage in summer followed annually from a preparation with plow in winter ; P2 = tillage followed biennially preparation with a plow in the winter ; P3 = continuous tillage ; include it was also three crop rotations ( subplots ) : R1 = corn / beans / corn / beans , R2 = millet / beans / corn / beans , R3 = Soybean / beans / corn / beans . At the end of the rotation, the same were repeated rotations in the same area , thus having two cycles of rotation . The tillage gave the lowest grain yield for crops of maize and common bean . Pearl millet provides the highest grain yield of common bean in the SPD . All rotations tested provide positive economic returns , ie , are economically viable . Among the tested , crop rotation millet / dry bean / maize / common bean , the SPD , is the one that provides the greatest economic return .


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Author Biographies

Adriano Stephan Nascente, Embrapa Rice and Beans
Dr. Researcher in Plant Science, working on the development of production systems of upland rice and common bean with emphasis on SPD
Pedro Marques Silveira, Embrapa Rice and Beans
Researcher PhD in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Alcido Elenor Wander, Embrapa Rice and Beans

Researcher at Embrapa Rice and Beans and professor of the School of Agronomy - UFG.

PhD in Socio-economy


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