Intercropping of Maçã and Prata Zulu banana cultivars for the cultural management of black Sigatoka

  • Adônis Moreira Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa Soja. Embrapa Soja Rod Charles John Strass - Warta District, PO Box 231 - CEP 86001-970 Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
  • Luadir Gasparotto Embrapa Western Amazon Embrapa Western Amazon AM-010 highway, Km 29, Rural Zone - CEP: 69010-970 PO Box 319 - Manaus / AM, Brazil
  • José Clério Rezende Pereira Embrapa Western Amazon Embrapa Western Amazon AM-010 highway, Km 29, Rural Zone - CEP: 69010-970 PO Box 319 - Manaus / AM, Brazil


In this study, we assessed the effect of intercrop planting of Maçã and Prata Zulu banana cultivars in the reduction of black Sigatoka severity and in the productivity of the Maçã cultivar. The treatments used were a combination of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% of plants of the Maçã cultivar distributed in plots with 95, 90, 85, 80 and 75% of plants of the Prata Zulu cultivar. Four months after planting, 20 leaves infected with black Sigatoka were distributed at each plot of 200 plants as a source of inoculum. The plots were separated by strips of secondary forest approximately 20 m wide and 15 m high. Each plot was divided in four subplots. Severity evaluation was performed in leaf number 10 during the flowering period. The number of viable leaves and the weight of production (bunches, hands and fruits) were also assessed. The statistical analyses did not show differences between the treatments used. Intercrop planting was not effective in reducing the severity of black Sigatoka in the Maçã cultivar and the yield was similar to that observed in monocultures.


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Author Biographies

Luadir Gasparotto, Embrapa Western Amazon Embrapa Western Amazon AM-010 highway, Km 29, Rural Zone - CEP: 69010-970 PO Box 319 - Manaus / AM, Brazil
Departamento de Fitopatologia
José Clério Rezende Pereira, Embrapa Western Amazon Embrapa Western Amazon AM-010 highway, Km 29, Rural Zone - CEP: 69010-970 PO Box 319 - Manaus / AM, Brazil
Departamento de Fitopatologia


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