Simultaneous genetic selection of progenies of guarana production, adaptability and temporal stability

  • André Luiz Atroch Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Center for Agroforestry Research of the Western Amazon, CPAA. AM-010 highway, 30 KM ROD. AM-010 69011-970 - Manaus, AM - Brazil - Caixa-Postal: 319 Phone: (92) 6210355 Extn: 355 Fax: (92) 6221100 Homepage URL:
  • Firmino José do Nascimento Filho Embrapa Western Amazon
  • Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende Embrapa / UFV


The simultaneous selection for yield , adaptability and stability can be achieved through the harmonic mean of the relative performance of the predicted values ( MHPRVG ) . The aim of this work was to select sib progenies of guarana as these three attributes , aiming to develop a cultivar . 36 sib progenies of guarana in experimental design of randomized blocks with two replications and six plants per plot , arranged in two rows of three plants spaced 5 × 5 m were evaluated . Intensive cultivation and fertilization were performed as Embrapa . Fruit production of progeny was measured in five consecutive years , from 2006 to 2010 . The genetic value ( μ + g+ gem ) , capitalizing on the average effect of the interaction with harvest years shall not be considered for selection of superior genotypes . The PRVG (stability ) and MHVG (adaptability ) criteria generated similar results for the top five progenies . The MHPRVG generated different criteria for the top five progenies in relation to PRVG MHVG criteria and results . The MHPRVG criterion does not coincide with that based on ( μ + g+ gem ) and is the one best suited to show this experiment to select the best progeny .


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Author Biographies

André Luiz Atroch, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Center for Agroforestry Research of the Western Amazon, CPAA. AM-010 highway, 30 KM ROD. AM-010 69011-970 - Manaus, AM - Brazil - Caixa-Postal: 319 Phone: (92) 6210355 Extn: 355 Fax: (92) 6221100 Homepage URL:
Researcher in genetic improvement of guarana Embrapa Western Amazon
Firmino José do Nascimento Filho, Embrapa Western Amazon
Researcher in genetic improvement of guarana Embrapa Western Amazon
Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende, Embrapa / UFV
Researcher biometric genetic


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